Klaus Damm (visible-music)
born 28. November 1949 in Köln

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The surface form of my artistic works has something immediate, tangible in all media: echoes of physicality, frugality or crystal structures, elementary rhythmic-melodic initial cells and spatial sound formations. In the deep structure, these elements combine to form polyphonically interwoven archetypal contexts of association - circling universes beyond time. In this way, strange and at the same time familiar worlds emerge: Paths inwards, towards wholeness.

With the form of "visiography" I developed my individual way of composing pictures: With a complex montage technique I condense my photographic source materials to their emotional and creative core. These serve as supplementary source material for moving image forms ("video-visiographies"), to which I realise electronic music.

In my video-visiographies, sound and image stand in a cross-media polyphonic relationship to each other, a composed arc of tension with moments of approach and those of distance between the levels. The compositional principles are based on post-serial New Music procedures and are applied equally to the music and image layers. This wholeness leads to a dense synaesthetic perception of the sound-image composition.


Composer and sound-image artist, interdisciplinary artistic work since 1971.

In my compositions, which often span different genres, I create sound and visual metaphors for archetypal themes.

Studied musicology, German language and literature and philosophy at the universities of Bonn and Bochum. Visual training with the Informel painter Hans-Jürgen Schlieker at the MZ of the Ruhr University Bochum. Studied composition with Nicolaus A. Huber at the Folkwang University of the Arts Essen, electronic and computer composition with Dirk Reith at the ICEM. 1978 Folkwang Prize for Composition

Since 2003 development of the interdisciplinary artistic approach "visible music" with the forms of "visiography" and "video-visiography" (sound-image compositions). First public performances of video visiographies in the Frankfurt Kaiserdom as part of the Luminale 2010.

Collaboration with visual artists, authors, choreographers and therapists.
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