safia helmy
born May 1923 in Egypt

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is Safia helmy Hussein Safia Helmy Hussein is an Egyptian artist born1923 in Egypt in a big and high-class family. she is the oldest sister of 5 girls and the 3 eldest children in a family of 9 siblings. Safiya was a girl that was just the opposite of all of her siblings and her dad, her dad was a big lawyer and the rest of the family were in similar directions as him some were doctors’ others were lawyers and teachers but Safia broke the cycle. She fell in love with art, nature and traveling. She attended art school and expressed herself through art while traveling as well, she dedicated her whole life for her art and living her life to the fullest that for she has turned her life into a space that only consisted of paintbrushes and making pottery she has giving up a huge part of her personal life she chose not to get married or have kids because you always felt full by doing what she has been doing till the day of her passing. Safia passed in 2016 at the age of 93 she was a very active women she never left the brush until 2015 when her sickness has taken over her. As she is my biggest inspiration, I would like to honor her and make her art see more therefore I have attached her biography and some of her art work.
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