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Sandra Hine

Sandra Hine
born 4. January 1994 in Klosterneuburg

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abstract art


I was always an imaginative person who is passionate about colors. It was only naturally for me to get into arts. I did my A-levels at an art school. My focus was on textiles, which is why I also have a passion for sewing and weaving. While I was in art school I learned about the work museums do, and so I started studying restauration and conservation of paintings and sculptures in Switzerland. This has already drawn me to many projects around Europe. Each museum has been unique in its own way, and I could not only learn about arts, their treatment, construction and secrets. I was also privileged to learn about other cultures that are so close to home, yet so different and astonishing.
After two years of doing what I love, I decided to share my art with you.

Bern University of Applied Science BFH

Master of Arts, Conservation-Restauration with specialization in Paintings and Sculptures.

Bachelor of Arts, Conservation with specialization in Paintings and Sculptures.

ArtFashionDesign Herbststrasse

A-levels, specialization in Product-Design-Textile
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