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Natalia Nikolenko

Natalia Nikolenko
born 3. June 1964 in Ukraina

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Oil,akvarel, akrylic


1980-1984 Studying at the Dnepropetrovsk Art College named Vuchetich. Department of Easel Painting

1985-1989 worked in Poland as a graphic artist

1989-2020 Work in an art school as a teacher of painting.
Since 1990 actively work in easel painting in oil. Participated in Ukrainian and international exhibitions.

Since beginning of 2022 living in Denmark.

November 2022 Frederiksbkrg Denmark.Exhibition in a private gallery Lorraine. Ukrainian artists help the Ukrainian army. Sold my painting. Half of the money was sent to buy medical equipment in Ukraine.

December 2022 Frederiksbkrg. Denmark. Christmas Fair

May2023 Herlev. Denmark. Personal Exhibition.

June 2023 Farum Denmark. Participant in the national summer exhibition.

Actively working in the techniques of oil, acrylic, and watercolor.
Works are in private collections around the world
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