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Olha Nazarenko

Olha Nazarenko
born 1982 in Kherson, Ukraine

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I specialize in a distinctive art form I call Sense Abstraction. My creations beckon to be touched, bridging the gap between visual and tactile sensations. Unlike traditional art school training, my style emerged organically, setting it apart from the mainstream.


Formerly a neurosurgeon, the tumultuous events of my city's occupation propelled me towards art as a means of solace and self-expression. Now, art is not merely a hobby but a lifeline, a conduit through which I channel beauty and inspiration.
In every stroke, I infuse a drop of magic, believing fervently in the transformative power of creativity. Though I now reside far from my cherished homeland, my art serves as both muse and anchor, fueling my spirit to persist and innovate.
Separated from my beloved homeland, my art sustains me, breathing life into my existence. Each brushstroke is a testament to resilience, a defiance against adversity. Through my work, I strive to encapsulate the essence of beauty and evoke a sense of wonder in those who behold it. It is a journey of self-discovery, an exploration of the soul's depths. Despite the distance, my art serves as a bridge connecting me to my roots, to memories cherished and dreams yet to unfold. It is my legacy, a legacy of passion, perseverance, and the indomitable human spirit.
June 10, 2023: Awarded 2nd prize in "Dali's Mustache" art contest for "Shining of the Mind" canvas.
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