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born 1. February in 1970

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Cubusm, Picasso, minimalism


From the winding streets of Madrid to the sun-dappled windows of my own home, the path to becoming an artist has been a mesmerizing journey. It all began with a chance encounter with an enigmatic display of Pablo Picasso's spellbinding paintings. Ten of his works adorned the walls, each a tantalizing story told through vibrant colors and daring forms. One painting, in particular, stood out—the enigmatic "Woman with a Guitar." Though no woman nor guitar seemed to grace the canvas, I couldn't tear my gaze away from the bewitching artwork. There was an otherworldly allure about it, an enigma that captivated me and dared me to delve deeper into the realm of artistry.

In a serendipitous twist, a playful feline named Pablo pranced into my life, becoming my steadfast muse and companion. One day, inspired by the spirit of Picasso and the whimsy of my furry friend, I set to work capturing Pablito's likeness in the iconic style of Picasso. As the colors danced and the lines swirled, a wonderful realization dawned upon me—I had unearthed my unique artistic voice, a melange of influences that beautifully intertwined with my heartfelt connection to my beloved cat.

From that pivotal moment on, Pablito became my loyal muse, guiding my creative hand as I ventured to create vivid portrayals of cats in all their charming exuberance. It wasn't long before my "Cats" series, adorned with the signature "Pablito," came to life, symbolizing the profound bond between my art and my cherished companion. Without Pablito at my side, my art would lack the very essence that infuses it with vitality and spirit.

And so, my journey to becoming an artist has been woven with the threads of serendipity, companionship, and the stirring delight of discovering an artistic style uniquely my own. Each stroke of the brush, each purr of my feline companion, and the captivating allure of art itself have shaped the narrative of my artistic odyssey. It's a story of boundless creativity, unexpected connections, and the joy of bringing beauty and wonder into the world through my cherished art and the effervescent spirit of Pablito.
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