Art and Culture in the Media #16
MCBA-KUNSTQUARTIER PlATEFORM 10 - what appears to be a complicated set of words here is actually quite something in Lausanne: 3 museums with art from the 18th century to the present day and a forum that promotes a dialogue between the public, artists and art institutions are united under one roof on over 3000 square metres. Permanent and temporary exhibitions, the Espace Projet, a space for contemporary art, participative programmes for young people and much more will quickly make you forget a dull day.
WHAT IS TIME? This is a question that concerns us all. The exhibition «Time - from Dürer to Bonvicini» at the Kunsthaus Zürich explores this question (until 14th January 2014) with around 230 works of art: from the handless «Totenührli» by watchmaker Christian Giessenbeck to the «Memento Mori» and contemporary photography with a view into the unimaginable dimension of time in the night sky. This insightful exhibition on a major topic, which curator Cathérine Hugs has organised around the keywords birth, death, vanitas and infinity, makes time pass quickly.
WIE TICKT DIE KUNSTSZENE? (engl. How does the Art Scene Function?) This is a regular art podcast by curator and art consultant Petra Lossen. In her self-hosted German and English podcasts with artists, art critics and many other people involved in art, she also tackles delicate and tricky topics. For example, when master forger Wolfgang Beltracchi and his wife or Cornelius Gurlitt's lawyer Dr Hannes Hartung are interviewed in earlier podcasts. In any case, the range of topics is huge and fun to listen to...
NOTHING IS NOTHING... or is it? Certainly not for the Museum of Communication in Bern, which is dedicating an unusual presentation to the seemingly nothing and the trivial. Surprising, loving attention to the small, barely noticed things in life quickly show us that nothingness accompanies our everyday lives at all times. Expect nothing, simply take a closer look... the NOTHING opens up new perspectives until 21.7.24.
DIE RETROSPEKTIVE GABRIELE MÜNTER im Leopold Museum in Wien taucht tief in das umfassende Lebenswerk der expressionistischen Malerin ein. Als erste Institution in Österreich würdigt «das Leopold» (bis 18.2.24) eine Künstlerin, die weit mehr als «die Frau an der Seite Kandinskys» war. Als eine der führenden Protagonistinnen der Avantgarde und Mitglied der Gruppe «Blaue Reiter» trug sie mit ihrer facettenreichen Malweise, innovativen Sujets und Techniken zur neuen Stilrichtung bei.
THE RETROSPECTIVE GABRIELE MÜNTER at the Leopold Museum in Vienna delves deep into the comprehensive life's work of the expressionist painter. The Leopold is the first institution in Austria to honour an artist who was far more than «the woman at Kandinsky's side» (until 18.2.24). As one of the leading protagonists of the Avant-Garde and a member of the «Blaue Reiter» group, she contributed to the new artistic movement with her multi-faceted painting style, innovative subjects and techniques.