fairy tale in art

Cécile Fuchs

Christmas time means fairy tale time. There is nothing better than immersing oneself in the magical worlds of fairy tales in the warm company of the family or on the sofa at home during the cold season. Age plays only a secondary role when it comes to fairy tales. Here in the blog, we are looking for the fairy tales in the art24 community.

Jitka Walterová, a graphic artist and painter from the Czech Republic, grants us entry into this magical world. Her work «Carousel» lets us dive deep into it and start dreaming. Through the choice of colours, the highlighting of the glow of the lamps, the look and the posture of the girl, we literally hear the music and smell the scent of sweet pastries. She takes us away to the time of light-heartedness, when the lights were even brighter, the scent more intense, the joy immense. We look around a little longer and catch sight of a woman in red. She is standing against a wall and seems to be watching something. Herself? Her future, the past, the now? She is surrounded by a glow, the colours around her are embedding her in the softly painted surroundings. It is the work of the Hungarian artist Gábor Kovács-Gombos called «A régi kertben/In the old garden». The woman turns to us and smiles goodbye. We have to go on and walk away from the fairground, out into the wide field and take a little walk in the snow. In her work «Winter Sunset», Diana Knepper alias DK invites us to reflect on the past year once more, perhaps with family, friends or alone, before it gets dark. We hear the creaking of the snow under our feet, feel the cold air caressing our cheeks and noses, see the breath as it melts together with the cold winter and hold our face towards the sun. Our gaze strays to a hill. Liang, an artist from Basel helps us with her painting «From a Distance» to distinguish what is important to us, what is close to us, what can disappear in the mist and stay there and where we want to set and sharpen the focus. Further on we walk through the work of Jaroslav Grus «Snowy Village». With the vastness behind us, we gradually come back to the houses, to civilisation. The warm living room is calling us, the punch and the music. We approach our house, which can be seen in Tibor Gáspárdy's painting «Téli Bánfalva/Bánfalva in Winter».

Thierry finishes with his work from the series «from the life of a dreamer». Winter is a time for contemplation, reflection and dreaming. Enjoy it!